• Order Samples

Thank you for your interest in kraft paper samples from one of the world's largest and most modern paper machines. Our standard samples are only available in A4 format. If you would like to order your samples in a different format, please contact our Customer Service Center.
We are still in a start-up phase so not all our products might be available at the same time. Please register for the samples you are interested in and we will send them to you as soon as they are available. Please note that not all products and grammages will be available immediately at the same time.

Which products would you like to order samples of?

Bags White Glossy
Bags Natural Glossy
Shopper White Glossy
Shopper White Glossy Ribbed
Shopper White Opaque
Shopper White Strong
Shopper Natural Smooth
Shopper Natural Rough
Formfill White Glossy
Formfill White Opaque
Formfill White Strong
Formfill Natural Smooth
Medicine White Glossy
Flexpack White Glossy
Flexpack White Glossy Smooth
Flexpack White Opaque
Flexpack White Strong
Flexpack Natural Smooth
Release White Glossy
Release S White Glossy
Tapes White Strong
Tapes Natural Smooth
Liner White
Liner Natural Smooth
Paper Sticks White
Paper Sticks Natural
Lamination White Opaque
Lamination Natural Smooth
Industrial White Opaque
Industrial Natural Smooth
Industrial Natural Rough
eCommerce White Opaque
eCommerce White Strong
eCommerce Natural Rough
Sublimation White Glossy


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