One of the world's leading kraft paper manufacturer
With over € 300 million invested over the past 10 years and the use of state-of-the-art technology, Starkraft is one of the largest and most advanced producer of high-quality bleached kraft paper in the world.

We guarantee first-class quality,
just-in-time delivery and work according to international, technical and ecological standards.
Starkraft is the brand name given to paper produced by Heinzel Pöls
Heinzel Pöls is one of the biggest producers of high-quality, elemental chlorine-free bleached and unbleached long-fibre sulphate pulp in Central and Eastern Europe. ORION pulp, the brand name under which Pöls pulp is sold, is used mainly to manufacture high-quality printing and writing paper, tissue paper as well as packaging and special paper. Integrated paper machines produce the STARKRAFT kraft papers.
For more information about Heinzel Pöls (Zellstoff Pöls AG) visit www.zellstoff-poels.at

Strong and flexible just like the Flying Rhino!
It is no coincidence that we chose a Flying Rhino as a symbol for Starkraft- it represents strength and flexibility. Strong and flexible is exactly the way that we want to be seen, when it comes to finding products and solutions for our customers. The years of experience found within our international team paired with the most up to date technology found within our paper machines, makes it possible to act upon and respond to our customers’ specific requirements.

Starkraft is the "contact" for kraft paper!
Starkraft paper is used to make products for flexible packaging such as bags, carrier bags or complete solutions such as composite packaging for food, none-food, hygiene or medical products.